KLAUKE - Crimping Tools

When it comes to the perfect connection in electrical engineering, two things are particularly decisive: that you have the right tool for every task and that the connecting material and tool are perfectly matched to each other.

We live out our systems approach. Our extensive product portfolio offers you the right tools and materials for all tasks. With our products, you are able achieve work results that meet the highest requirements.

We provide the most efficient crimping and cutting tools which assists the user to execute the job with less effort and more accuracy as well as safety. 

  •    Mechanical pressing and crimping tools

  •    Electromechanical crimping tool

  •    Battery powered hydraulic crimping tools

  •    Hand-operated hydraulic crimping tools

  •    Hydraulic press heads and crimping tool systems

Hydraulic safety tools

  •     VDE battery powered hydraulic crimping tools 

  •     VDE battery powered hydraulic cutting tools

  •     Safety cutters

Universal tools

  •    Hand-operated hydraulic tool, hydraulic universal head

  •    Battery powered hydraulic universal tools

Odoo • Image and Text

Klauke Battery Powered

Cable Crimping Tool

Klauke Battery Operate
Crimping Tool

Odoo • Text and Image


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Vidhyut Engineering

                  202, Victoria Heights,
                   Shree Krishna Park Society,
                   Himalaya Mall Road,
                   Gujarat, India

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