In power system protection relay and circuit breakers is the major instrument for large interconnected power system. We need proper protection to isolate the faulted region from healthier network. When two protective apparatus installed in series have certain characteristics, which provide a specified operating sequence, they are said to be coordinated or selective. Relay coordination is an important aspect in the protection system design as coordination schemes must guarantee fast, selective and reliable relay operation to isolate the power system faulted sections.
Why is Relay Coordination study and Analysis performed?
Relay coordination study and analysis is performed to make sure that safety operation of the system are functioning correctly and to avoid the nuisance tripping; as protection is a major concern in any industry and they rely on protective devices of the same. The reason for nuisance tripping is modification of protective devices and their setting at the time of upkeep without performing suitable study and analysis.
Relay Co-ordination
The aim of a coordination study is a determine the characteristics, ratings and setting of overcurrent protective devices which will ensure that minimum unfaulty load is interrupted when protective devices isolate a fault or overload anywhere in the system. A coordination study should be conducted
In the early planning stages of a new system to tentatively select protection and utilization equipment
In the case where an existing system is modified and new loads are installed
When existing equipment is replaced with higher rated equipment
Vidhyut Engineering
Shree Krishna Park Society,
Himalaya Mall Road,
Gujarat, India